Monday 2 December 2013

Research - Looking At The Evaluation & Blog

In today's lesson, we looked at the evaluation and coming towards a conclusion. I learnt how my blog should be presented, to ensure that the examiners can identify what brief I have chosen. I learnt that the level of academic response for my evaluation questions need to be much higher and in far greater detail than at AS. I will ensure that the language used, as well as the detail will show an improvement from AS by looking at other candidates work and by incorporating the research I have carried out. The main points I learnt from today's lesson were:

  • To ensure my blog is presented as an on-going journey, showing the process and improvements throughout 
  • Analysing existing media texts is a crucial aspect of research, and to ensure I show this when creating my final products
  • I need to research and identify more a potential target audience and audience research
  • Ensure I show how I have used my research that I have carried out in my final products and the connections between the research and construction
  • I need to ensure that I clearly set out my blog so it makes it easier for the examiner to distinguish whether it is research, planning or construction work

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