Monday, 30 December 2013

Construction - Adding Footsteps

I felt there was too much white space around the title so I decided to add footsteps to make it more aesthetically pleasing. These footsteps also connotes the genre of the sport documentary. I then added the Teenage Cancer Trust logo as this is the charity which the documentary is based on and I felt it was necessary to promote this charity to the audience. I made the 'extra mile' font larger to draw the reader as well as adding an effect in Photoshop to make it stand out. From my research into double page spread listings, many include the vital details, such as the name, time and channel in which the programme is going to be broadcasted at the top of the double page spread, so I used this convention in my double page spread listings.

Construction - Media Magazine

In today's lesson, we had the opportunity to go the annual Media Magazine student conference at the Institute of Education. We listened to a variety of media speakers. David Buckingham spoke about marketing and young people which I found particularly interesting as it is related to business which I am hoping to study. After David, we were introduced to Robbie McKillop who directed 'A Young Doctor's Notebook'. Robbie spoke about the work he has been doing. The final presentation was from Laura Harvey from the CelebYouthUK project. Lastly, we heard from David Brindley who produced and directed 'Educating Yorkshire'. This was very interesting as I had watched the series myself and the audience was able to ask a range of questions/issues raised by the programme. This gave the audience a real insight into how the show was produced and constructed, as well as the issues that may arise when produced and directing a series, especially including a large number of children.

Click here to be directed to the chief examiners blog.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Textual Analysis Of DPS TV Magazine Listings

Construction - Newspaper Advertisement

When creating my newspaper advertisement I firstly had to take a picture. I scheduled a photoshoot and took some images of my main subject but I wasn't happy with the outcome. I decided to look for other images that I had taken and found this image that was taken whilst on holiday in Dubai. Although not obvious, I feel this image is suitable as one of the main tag lines on my newspaper advertisement is 'Can she go the extra mile?'. This long stretch of road is showing that and linking back to the main subject of the documentary; the marathon. The picture was taken on a Canon SLR camera and was taken in black and white. I imported this image onto iPhoto and played around with different colours but after consulting my focus group, I decided to keep the image black and white. Although I could not find any newspaper advertisements for my genre of documentary, I feel it suits the sporting genre. I personally feel that the black connotes the physical and mental strain of the marathon whereas the white challenges this and shows the positive, thrilling moments when training and running a marathon. I decided to use the same font (Impact) on my newspaper advertisement and my double page spread to keep a consistent house style and so it can be easily recognised as a brand to the audience.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Construction - Archived Footage

After carrying out intense research on documentaries, I have learnt that a typical convention of a documentary is to include archived footage. I have managed to gain access to archived footage from the Brighton Marathon 2013 to include in my documentary. I feel this will help my documentary extract become more realistic. Prior to this, I recorded some individuals running along the seafront but felt this did not look realistic or effective.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Construction - Audience Feedback & Focus Group

After consulting my focus group, they suggested that I should include cutaways to engage the audience. I decided to put cutaways in whilst interviewing William about the subject he was talking about. This helped to keep the audience engaged as my focus group felt the interview was too long of just focusing on William.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Construction - Double Page Spread

1. Firstly, I positioned the image on the left hand side of the double page spread. Although I personally preferred the image on the right, from my research I identified that most images are positioned on the left. I cropped the image to cut the surrounding background out. I ensured the weight and treadmills were present to signify that this was taken in a gym. I also ensured the main character was wearing a Teenage Cancer Trust top to represent the charity that would be included in this documentary. This helps the audience to identify what type of genre this documentary will be focusing on.

2. Once the image was positioned, I then added the social media links to Facebook and Twitter as my target audience will be strong users of social media. This will also help to promote and market the documentary as it will encourage individuals to share and put links to the documentary.

3. I then decided added in the text on the right hand side. I decided to put the first two letters on the left hand side of the page to connect the two pages together. I decided to use a rhetorical question to help engage the audience and try to encourage them to watch the documentary. I then added the time and details of when the documentary will be broadcasted. I put around the date and time black lines to help it stand out. This was also a convention I found in my research that the well-known TV listings magazine TV Times does for the majority of their listings.

4. I then included the Teenage Cancer Trust logo so that the audience and readers can easily recognise that this documentary will include information on the Teenage Cancer Trust. This may also encourage the audience to watch this documentary as they may have been directly affected or had personal experience with the Teenage Cancer Trust.

5. I then added the main article text to my double page spread. I had separately drafted this on word to make it easier when inserting this. I used three columns as this was a typical convention that most double page spreads have. I decided to leave a space to include a pull quote.

6. I then decided to put a pull quote in. I decided to use "Like the marathon, life can sometimes be hard" and "I must believe". I feel these are in a sense emotive which may encourage the audience to watch the documentary. This was also a typical code and convention that I found in my research.

 7. Finally, I inserted a QR code and the page numbers onto the double page spread.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Construction - One Step At A Time

This is my unfinished documentary. I have uploaded this to show my progression as well as enabling my focus group to view my documentary to answer my audience feedback questions.

Construction - Double Page Spread

These print screens show how my ancillary products have changed after consulting my focus group. I was going to conduct an interview for the article, but I feel this wouldn't promote the documentary as much as it could and encourage people to watch the documentary. I feel if I write about the documentary and explain what is going to be included, without giving too much information away, more people would watch this. I also decided to start with a question to incite the readers to read more. At first, I was using the colours of the Teenage Cancer Trust, red, white and blue, but I have decided to change this and use more bright colours, to make the article more attractive and catch the readers eye. My focus group also thought it would be appropriate to have a QR (quick response) code to link to the Teenage Cancer Trust, to encourage the audience to read and find out more about this charity. These print screens show my progression of my ancillary products, and I am continuing to improve these to the highest standard by regularly consulting my focus group and looking at other double page spread in TV listing magazines.

Construction - Audience Feedback

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Construction - TV Listings Double Page Spread

In today's lesson, I received feedback from my focus group on whether I should write my article in first or third person. After having looked at other TV listings magazines and asking my focus group, I have decided to change my article from first person to third person, giving the reader more information about the documentary itself. Here is my original, first person article but I am going to work on changing this to fit the typical conventions of a TV magazine. I have also carried on working on my TV listings layout which has changed dramatically.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Construction - Font Titles

I have identified simple fonts, so it is easy for the viewer to read. I contacted my audience feedback to find their opinions on these fonts. The responses I got were:

"They are all fairly similar, however, I like the bottom one, 'Piston Pressure', as I feel this is the most powerful and catches the viewers eye."

"I like the the top one, as it is not too in your face and it is easy to read. I personally would have a play with the colours instead of using black."

After consulting my audience feedback, I feel the bottom font, Piston Pressure, is most suitable for my documentary as it catches the eye of the reader.

Construction - Taking Pictures

In today's lesson, I took pictures for my ancillary products. I took these in the school gym as I feel this is a relevant location as this is where I will be training for the marathon. In my next lesson, I will take the opportunity to edit and sort out suitable images which I can use for my ancillary products.

Construction - Teenage Cancer Trust Social Networking

After conducting my research, I found that social networking has a major influence in teenagers lives. I found the above image, which briefly explains what the Teenage Cancer Trust does but I have edited this to incorporate the social network sites. The below image shows the edited version with the social network information and links. I also have added the hotline number as I feel this is important.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Research - Looking At The Evaluation & Blog

In today's lesson, we looked at the evaluation and coming towards a conclusion. I learnt how my blog should be presented, to ensure that the examiners can identify what brief I have chosen. I learnt that the level of academic response for my evaluation questions need to be much higher and in far greater detail than at AS. I will ensure that the language used, as well as the detail will show an improvement from AS by looking at other candidates work and by incorporating the research I have carried out. The main points I learnt from today's lesson were:

  • To ensure my blog is presented as an on-going journey, showing the process and improvements throughout 
  • Analysing existing media texts is a crucial aspect of research, and to ensure I show this when creating my final products
  • I need to research and identify more a potential target audience and audience research
  • Ensure I show how I have used my research that I have carried out in my final products and the connections between the research and construction
  • I need to ensure that I clearly set out my blog so it makes it easier for the examiner to distinguish whether it is research, planning or construction work

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Research & Planning - Doctor Who Radio Analysis

Doctor Who Radio Trailer Analysis

Research & Planning - What's On TV Double Page Spread

Research & Planning - Analysis Of Double Page Spread From TV Listing Magazine

Research & Planning - Virgin Marathon Social Media

In today's lesson, I researched into social media. I learnt that Virgin, in 2011, launched its first every social marathon. The Virgin Social Marathon saw the social media teams from every UK virgin company, from Virgin Active to Virgin Wines, all tweeting and using Facebook together from the same room for one day only.

A Virgin employee who participated in this event said: 

"The Social Marathon is (probably) an equivalent exercise in endurance as the London Marathon, so seeing as its for most of the working day rather than just a few hours we will need an essential tea break in order to keep going. Therefore at around 4pm well be attempting a tea break trend on Twitter to see if we can get as many people sharing a nice cuppa as possible. Tea is Richard Bransons favourite drink so its in his honour the man who never seems to take a break! We will even offer the chance for anyone local to Soho to tweet their way in to Virgin Medias Our House and join us for tea"

This image shows the race day digital coverage of the 2013 London Marathon. As well as the typical social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the London Marathon had its own hash tag as well as automatic Twitter tracking of celebrities and athletes. 

Click here to be directed to a blog of an individual who believes the Virgin London Marathon has inspired social media creativity.