Wednesday 17 July 2013

Research & Planning - Modes Of Documentary

Nichols - identified five different modes:


  • Mostly used in TV
  • Voiceover narration, commenting & explaining in a direct address. The aim is to inform. I may use voice overs in my documentary.


  • 'Fly On The Wall'
  • Attempts to show the world as it is
  • Long takes, handheld camera - no interview or voiceover
  • The audience should be not aware of the filmmaker 

Participatory (Interactive) 

  • The filmmaker is foreground in the participatory mode
  • Its made explicit that the film is made from the point of view
  • Often they are central character & their interaction & questioning of the subjects, lead the tone of the documentary
  • Handheld camera, informal interviews

Reflexive & Performative

  • Reflexive reveals how documentaries are produced as representations based on the construction & manipulation of the image
  • The performative explicitly challenges the idea of documentary truth
  • Reality-soap a new hybrid category 

Documentary V Fiction

  • There will always be an element of editing and therefore structuring devices
  • Establish a 'problem' or dilemma to be eventually resolved
  • Real people become characters

Function Of Documentary

  • Used to be that it should be educational and enlighten the audience
  • Grierson - documentary could perform a democratic function, educating the ordinary citizen about wider social, political and cultural developments.

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