Saturday, 14 September 2013

Research - Eddie Izzard: Marathon Man

I set out to run 27 marathons in 27 days as a tribute to Nelson Mandela and his 27 years spent in prison.
Having completed 4 marathons, unfortunately, I have had to put my attempt on hold due to unforeseen medical complications that have arisen due to a multitude of factors including severe terrain, humidity and altitude. But I wish to say that my attempt is not over and I will return to South Africa and run the 27 marathons and finish this story.
I owe that to Nelson Mandela who has inspired the world to struggle and succeed no matter what obstacles are thrown at us. - Eddie Izzard

As the marathons are run, we will be filming a documentary about Nelson Mandela's life and I will be talking to people who know him and who struggled with him over those 27 years. This documentary will be broadcast on Sky TV in the UK and is being sold to countries all around the world" - Eddie Izzard

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