Sunday 25 August 2013

Research & Planning - The Beginning Of Film

Auguste and Louis Lumiere playing chess as young boys
  • The Lumière Brothers - 1890s
  • The Lumière Brothers were the ground breakers of film. 
  • They came from Lyon in France, where they worked in their father's photographic factory.
  • In 1894, they saw Edison's kinetoscope in Paris, and decided to design a camera of their own.
  • By Feburary of the next year, they had produced a working model of their ciné camera, which called they a cinématographe.
  • The films produced by the Lumieres' camera were usually about 50 seconds long.
  • They mainly produced "actualities", a reflection of everyday life, mini documentaries
  • Silent films are useful to look at, showing an evolution of visual language and grammar of film that formed the codes and conventions of today. 

George Méliès - 1902
  • Was a French illustionist and filmaker
  • Famous for leading many technical and narrative developments
  • George and his brother created the film "Le Voyage Dans La Lune" (A Trip To The Moon)
  • The film was a black and white silent science fiction film
  • The film runs at 14 minutes at a frame rate of 16 frames per second

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